sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

Writing a comparisson

- In the first day at village school, the boy was prepared by her sisters, the ones who dressed him up, wrapped him in scarves, etc. On the other hand, at school in Barbados, the poor and ambitious mothers of St Matthias waved him off, and his mother filled his bag with puzzles of knowledge and a lot of books.

- They are very different, the boy of Village school thinks school is an obligation and he doesn't like go to school. On the contrary, at Barbados, the boy doesn't any opinion about education, but the mothers from the village think it's important to learn, and that it would help him become a man.

-I enjoyed reading "First day at school in Bardados", because it have some similar opinions about how do I feel about school.

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

First Impressions

First time I met someone from another country:  It was in my trip to Orlando, in the United States. I was staying in a big hotel with my family, that was near from Universal Studios and all type of amusement park. After a tiring day of walking around the city, and going to supermarkets, I went to the swimming pool that was in the hotel, and he was there, the boy I met, was from USA, and talked spanish, so it was easy to speak with him, he was very friendly and also he had my same age. 

My first party: My first party was also the first time I danced. It was about two or three years ago, in a very big house, that was on my same street. I was very nervous, beacause I was shy, and speaking to women isn't something easy for a 12 year old boy. It wasn´t something very special, because it was with friends from my class, and girls I already knew. When I asked the first girl to dance, she said "NO", but I din't gave up, and the second one accepted. It was a very uncomfortable moment for me, and untill today I don't like dancing.

First girl I liked: She is a girl I see until today.I met her by one of my sisters, that was friend of her. She was very beautiful, black haired, and with very big eyes. This was about five years ago,(when I was 10 years old)and every time I saw her I blushed. But it wasn´t beacuse girls scared me, it was because my father and the people that was near to me knew about my feelings for her, and they bothered me every time she was near. As the years went by, I overcome my "fear", and now I can speak normally to her.

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