domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Interactive oral activity.


What is the main idea of this son and video clip? To represent the book and his characters by images(video), and the main theme in the book(duality of human nature) using the song.

How is it similar to the novella? Some characters of the novel appear in the video and are named on the song, with their corresponding basic characteristics. Also some settings like the laboratory and Dr. Jekyll's house are represented on the video.

How is it different from the novella? Anyone can imagine a character, setting, or anything in the book as he want, and no one can make a character representation - or any representation - which fits exactly with the mental image that anyone have. Also, Mr. Hyde is very distant of the book representation(small,shrunken, etc.) 

How it is linked to the option topic health? 

1) The fact of using external things like chemicals or drugs to change your personality is very common. It's linked to health because it affects you body and how it works normally.

2) The potion changes the physical appearance of Dr. Jekyll. Anything external which change your body can be related to health.

3) The book is commonly associated with the rare mental condition often spuriously called "split personality", referred to in psychiatry as dissociative identity disorder, where within the same body there exists more than one distinct personality. 

How can you link it to the core topic "Social Relationships" ? Dr.Jekyll uses Mr.Hyde to "unleash" his evil side and to preserve his honorable and respected name. This difference between both of them can be seen in the song "My clothes will impress you, and my claws will undress you". It shows the complete contrast between both of them: Dr.Jekyll use good clothes because he is rich and a man of good habits, and Mr.Hyde uses large claws and goes around doing things he shouldn't.

How can a mental illness affect one's social relationships? With a mental illness you stop being yourself. You stop being the same person people used to know, and probably you become a disagreeable person, you can`t appear in public because it's difficult for you to differentiate between what's good and bad, etc. So the decision that society commonly take is to avert this kind of people from society, which obviously completely interrupts your social relationships.

Personal comments. I think a reflection or a discussion after reading a book is completely important to fully understand it. It helps you to go beyond what you can read, and helps you to understand the themes behind it and what the author is trying to reach. In this case it helped me to understand how important reputation is and how it can affect your social relationships.