domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Individual Oral Practice

On the right-hand side of the picture there is a robot, but not a common one, because it takes the body shape of a woman and a face that make it looks almost alive. In the middle there is a white robot and next to him, on the left, another robot with blue and yellow paint details. Behind of them three, and on the left hand side of the picture, there are panels with different colors and logotypes, which are probably sponsoring the robots. It is worth noting that as we analyze the machines from left to right, they become more human-like; what was mentioned has a direct relation with the caption "HELPING US TO WORK OR REPLACING HUMAN WORKERS?", which is directly related to the to the topic science and technology. 

In the society we live today, technology plays a very important part in our daily living. It has always been there to help us in our everyday situations like work, transport, communications, medical purposes and at home. In fact, technology has given us the power to support our rapidly growing needs in order to survive. But we must ask ourselves which is the damage that this development is bringing to humanity.  As the image itself and the caption suggest, are the machines helping us or they are replacing us?. 
Taking a pessimistic position I can say that we in a few years we will end up like in the movie WALL-E from Disney: sitting all day in a couch because machines will do all the work. For example, technology has taken a very important role in social relationships, by the mean of social networks and globalization. Nowadays you can contact a person that lives far away by simply taking your phone and writing them, with no need to be physically with them. If you ask your parents how their relationship started, probably you father will tell you that he took your mother to a lot of dates, but you will have to tell your children that you fall in love texting their mother by Facebook. Again, we must ask ourselves, are we really making progress if we are moving backwards in a basic and very important activity like socialization?. 

In conclusion, we must say that technology has been very helpful for society, but all overages are harmful, and we are not focusing in what is really important. Maybe we should start appreciating little activities in life, instead of taking them as an obligation.