viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Quote and written task.

1) "Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway.."

Though we like it or not, it is everywhere we look. When we walk in the street, when we see TV, and in every daily activity. This is mainly beacause of the electronic devices and the globalization. Information and advertising can be everywhere at anytime.

2) Written task: How advertisements afect people. 

Advertisements affect people in many ways. In fact, advertising is to  encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. 
When people hear the word advertisements, they commonly think about buying something, but there are a lot of functions of advertisements, and therefore many ways in wich they affect us. 

The first of them obviously is the common advertisement that is trying to sell something. The owner of the company that produces a product spend a huge amount of money in ads , because they are very important at the moment of selling something. Maybe we don't notice in the moment that we are being afected, but someday we will. Maybe the cookies that we saw on television last month, will be in the supermarket the day we go shopping, and we will buy them because they looked delicious when we saw them ; or the car washing service that we heard on the radio last week will be necessary because our car got dirty. 

Companies are part of the economy, and the ads have effect on the incomes of the companies. The economy is a very important element in every goverment, and if we live in a country that has an unstable economy, our lives will very affected.  

In addition, what controls the economy and the companies is the goverment. The political and ideological ads are very common in political campaings. They really affect the decision of what man or women we are going to chose to represent us.

Concluding, I would like to say that ads have more influence on us than what we notice, at the moment of buying some service or product, at the moment we choose our goverment, or "indirectly" like in an economy.

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