martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 7


I think they will climb the mountain again because they will not sleep knowing that there is a scary beast in the mountain. There will be a lot of problems because of this situation.

If Jack had not encountered Ralph, the problem of the monster will be solved. What happened with Roger is very disturbing.

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 6


I think in the next chapter they will find the dead parachutist and the mystery will be solved. As I said in the prediction of the last chapter, they will have a meeting again to discuss the monster.

This situation increase even more the problem of the monster because the littluns will be even more scared. Gratefully the tension between Jack and Ralph decreased, because both are very important to the group.

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 5


I think they won't find any monster. The Tension between Ralph and Jack is increasing, so probably there will be aphyisical confrontation between them. I think they will have another meeting when everybody is more calmed to finally solve the beast problem.

The objective of the meeting was to tell to everyone their failures in respecting the rules to improve as a group, but the result was the opposite. Jack int's respecting rules.Therefore he is provoking chaos and is not contributing to the order on the island.

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 4

They probably will talk with the littluns, because they need someone to tell to them that the beast is something unreal. As I said in the last prediction, they still need to have a meeting because when the daily living was described, the littluns were not doing anything.

The tention between Ralph and Jack increases. Jack, interested hunting, and by his success of killing a pig, is too excited to care about the principal object that is escaping from the island (keep the fire going).

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Lord of the Flies: Chapter 2 and 3.

They are losing control of the situation. At the beginning of chapter 2, older children, had agreed to set rules, so they can maintain order in the island. It worked during the second chapter, nut when the forest of the mountain caught on fire, the problems started, and they began breaking the rules. By the third chapter, they are disorganized, and a few is making the work of all.

Probably they will have a meeting to reestablish order, and they will catch the first pig, because a lot of days have passed without eating meat.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Lord of the Files: Chapter 1.

At the beginning of this chapter, there is a fair-haired boy, Ralph,  apparently lost in an Island, who meets Piggy, another lost boy who wear glasses and has asthma. Through their conversation, we can know that, at war, they were in a plane in a student’s trip, and the plane was attacked, and all the students were scattered by the accident.
While Piggy and Ralph were walking around the beach, wondering what happened with the other children in the plane, Ralph pointed into the lagoon: something creamy lay among the ferny woods. They took it out, it was a shell of eighteen inches, with a slight spiral twist and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern.
Piggy realizes that shell could be used as a trumpet, and with its sound they could makes all the other children appear. He convinces Ralph to blow through the shell, and after he did, the other boys start appearing. 
After they laugh at piggy because of his nickname and his physical condition, they decide to organize, and choose a leader. Ralph was elected as the leader, and he chooses Jack and Simon to explore the island.
The boys (Ralph, Jack and Simon) climb up the side of one of the steep hills. From the top of the hill, they notice that they are in an island with no civilization, a desert island. The three boys make a long travel through the jungle and emerge near the group of boys waiting for them on the beach.
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Discussion Questions.
1) What would they eat in the future, if they don't dare to kill a little pig?

2) Is going Jack to betray the group, because he is jealous of Ralph?

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I think that the next chapter will be about what the boys will do to survive, with that i mean what they will eat, or were they will sleep.

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 "What´s that?"
Ralph had stopped smiling and was pointing into the lagoon. Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds. (Pg.16).

"They are all dead," said Piggy, "an' this is an island. Nobody don't no we're here. Your dad don't know,nobody don't know--------" (Pg 15)

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Untill here they have confronted the situation in a very good way, and they are taking good desitions to survive, but the situation has been easy for them. When the climate betray them, or when they run out of food, the real problems will start.

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

Students will raise money for a good cause.

Agustín Díaz, Student.
July 20, 2012.

SANTIAGO.- Last week a group of students that met by the International Baccalaureate program joined in Chile, to raise money to help people from Talcahuano rebiuld their houses.

27 of February of 2010, after an earthquake, a tsunamy stuck the city of Talcahuano, and left more than 300 dead people, and a lot of families living in the street. The idea of the group of students is to start a collection in the next days with the objective of taking the people of Talcahuano out of the situation they are living now.

"We are trying to help these families to recover their previous life, by means of this campaign called Helping Talcahuano", Diego Rodriguez said, the organizator of the campaign.

In a couple of weeks, the group of students will start collecting money all troughout Chile, with help and support of a lot of chilean people.

sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

Writing a comparisson

- In the first day at village school, the boy was prepared by her sisters, the ones who dressed him up, wrapped him in scarves, etc. On the other hand, at school in Barbados, the poor and ambitious mothers of St Matthias waved him off, and his mother filled his bag with puzzles of knowledge and a lot of books.

- They are very different, the boy of Village school thinks school is an obligation and he doesn't like go to school. On the contrary, at Barbados, the boy doesn't any opinion about education, but the mothers from the village think it's important to learn, and that it would help him become a man.

-I enjoyed reading "First day at school in Bardados", because it have some similar opinions about how do I feel about school.

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

First Impressions

First time I met someone from another country:  It was in my trip to Orlando, in the United States. I was staying in a big hotel with my family, that was near from Universal Studios and all type of amusement park. After a tiring day of walking around the city, and going to supermarkets, I went to the swimming pool that was in the hotel, and he was there, the boy I met, was from USA, and talked spanish, so it was easy to speak with him, he was very friendly and also he had my same age. 

My first party: My first party was also the first time I danced. It was about two or three years ago, in a very big house, that was on my same street. I was very nervous, beacause I was shy, and speaking to women isn't something easy for a 12 year old boy. It wasn´t something very special, because it was with friends from my class, and girls I already knew. When I asked the first girl to dance, she said "NO", but I din't gave up, and the second one accepted. It was a very uncomfortable moment for me, and untill today I don't like dancing.

First girl I liked: She is a girl I see until today.I met her by one of my sisters, that was friend of her. She was very beautiful, black haired, and with very big eyes. This was about five years ago,(when I was 10 years old)and every time I saw her I blushed. But it wasn´t beacuse girls scared me, it was because my father and the people that was near to me knew about my feelings for her, and they bothered me every time she was near. As the years went by, I overcome my "fear", and now I can speak normally to her.

Survey Graphics

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012


What is cyberbullying, exactly?

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by any other child(teen or preteen) using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. Once adults become involved it's simply called cyber-harassment.

Why it's related to ethics?

"Ethic is a part of philosophy that includes the study of morality , virtue happiness and good living. Devoted to the study of human actions."

So it's simple, when we make cyberbullying, we are not considering virtue and values, so we are making an "un-ethical" action.


viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Science and ethics.

A group of stem cells.
This week we have been working in Science and Ethics, specifically about "Stem Cells Ethics and Controversy".

There are fears that science is moving too fast without giving proper consideration to potential impacts and to ethical concerns.
In the case of stem cell's there are two key areas of debate:
1) The etchical/moral debate; refering to religious beliefs, wich say that 'messing up' with the human genome is simply not right.
2) Claims are reguarly reported by scientists with their findings published in reputable science journals. They repakages the findings for public consumption and dutifully supplies the splash headline: ' Brain stem cells to cure diabetes' . But the problem is that once you get to the small print you discover that all is not as it seems.

Also as the field of stem cell research is developing new questions and problems arise, with each new discovery another set of problems seems to arise. Like the case of adult stem cells, and another cases we don't know.

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

IB Learners profile.

In class, we discussed what where the 3 IB learner's profile qualities wich best represent the unit we are studying.
In the case of our class with Ms. Lydia, whe choose the following three: Reflective, principled and balanced.

Personally I don't agree with all of them, the one that says reflective should be replaced for open-minded, and balanced for caring. The one that fits better I think is the one that says "Principled". According to the definition that's in the wall of our class it's says that a principled person is the one who act with integrity,honesty, fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. This one is very related to the Down Syndrome article("respect of the individual"). Open- minded: In the abort case it suits perfectly beacause an open minded person would be open to perspectives, and ready to listen any other comments and points of view about the abort.A Caring person would show empathy and respect for the opinion for the feelings of the parents, and doctors choices.

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Down Syndrome Article.

Down syndrome child.

It was a very interesting article, it gives us a lot to think, about the respect for life, the abort, the ethic and a lot of things related with morality.

Personally I think, that the abort is something wrong, whe can't be killing all days a thousand baby's because people make bad desitions(Not using condoms, pills, etc). But sometimes that isn't the case, people are forced to do it, or they would be affected seriously(Economic situation). But Also It's different to say that abortion is wrong, being comfortable in our position, to be in the position of any parent's that have the baby waiting for them and a lot of another things playing against them.( Time ).

Doctors responsability is to always say the truth to their pacients, although it is difficult to deal with it. In this situation, the doctor probably was against the abort, and in some way he was protecting the baby, but that cost $2.9 millions to the medical center in wich he was working.

Deborah and Levy's desition was the correct, the doctor lied to them and they make him pay, even though in the future, other parents in the same situation would not have the same luck that they had.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

What is ethic.

What ethics mean to me: Ethic is a part of philosophy that includes the study of morality, virtue, happiness and good living. Devoted to the study of human actions.

Ethical dilemma:

In a family trip, your car with all your family crushes, and your grandfather suffers a very big accident, in which ends in vegetative state. After 4 years he is in the hospital, he doesn´t wake up, and your economic situation is getting worst. Is possible that your grandfather recovers at any moment, or he doesn´t wake up from his vegetative state. What would  you do?