viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Down Syndrome Article.

Down syndrome child.

It was a very interesting article, it gives us a lot to think, about the respect for life, the abort, the ethic and a lot of things related with morality.

Personally I think, that the abort is something wrong, whe can't be killing all days a thousand baby's because people make bad desitions(Not using condoms, pills, etc). But sometimes that isn't the case, people are forced to do it, or they would be affected seriously(Economic situation). But Also It's different to say that abortion is wrong, being comfortable in our position, to be in the position of any parent's that have the baby waiting for them and a lot of another things playing against them.( Time ).

Doctors responsability is to always say the truth to their pacients, although it is difficult to deal with it. In this situation, the doctor probably was against the abort, and in some way he was protecting the baby, but that cost $2.9 millions to the medical center in wich he was working.

Deborah and Levy's desition was the correct, the doctor lied to them and they make him pay, even though in the future, other parents in the same situation would not have the same luck that they had.

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